Nell Autunno di Bisanzio
Guillaume Du Fay - beetween East and West ·
Theodora Baka - voice / chant
Dimitris Kountouras - recorder & direction / flûte à bec & direction
Elektra Miliadou - fiddle / vièle à archet
Andreas Linos - fiddle / vièle à archet
Markellos Chryssikopoulos - organ / orgue
Giorgos Kyriakakis - direction & voice / direction & voix
Sophia Baltatzi, Angelina Kartsaki, Oliver Leege, Makis Tsamalikos, Panagiotis Zacharakis - voice / voix
Already for his contemporaries, Guillaume Du Fay numbered among the great masters of music. His Franco-Flemish style was widely spread also in Italy, where the numerous musicians active as singers and composers popularized this elaborate polyphony. Du Fay himself sojourned at various times in Italy, but also became acquainted with late-Byzantine culture on journeys to Greece. The loss of Constantinople to the Ottoman Empire in 1453 triggered an exodus of the Byzantine society, ranging from members of the imperial house to numerous men of learning, to the West – the destination of these emigrants was above all Italy. At that time, Du Fay wrote a lament over the fate of the Greek Orthodox Church. The present CD traces the diverse connections between the music of Du Fay and his time and the waning culture of Christian Byzantium.
JOHANNES LEGRANT (fl. ca. 1420–1440) 1 Se liesse
Guillaume Du Fay (ca. 1397–1474)
2 Ce jour de l’an 2:12
3 Seigneur Leon 2:13
4 Vassilissa ergo gaude 2:47
Beltram Feragut (ca. 1385–ca. 1450)
5. Francorum nobilitati 3:24
6 Ave maria (instr.) 2:26
Guillaume Du Fay
7 C’est bien raison 12:52
Ebreo da Pesaro (ca. 1420 – 1484)
8 Falla con misuras (instr.) 1:34
Guillaume Du Fay
9 Las que feray? 4:26
10 Lamentatio sanctae matris ecclesiae Constantinopolitanae 3:20
Manuel Chrysafes (15. Jh.)
11 Threnos 9:50